Some of my recent work...

Pokédex App

screenshot of pokedex app main page

This project is a simple web application that I built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in conjunction with jQuery and Bootstrap libraries. Data is fetched from an external public API and displayed on the page as pokemon names. Users can click on any pokemon's name to display more information about the selected pokemon.

Technologies used:

Meet App

screenshot of my Meet app

This project is a progressive web application that allows users to find various events by city and view details of those events, even when offline! Users can filter events by city, show/hide event details, specify number of events to display and even add the app to their home screen as a shortcut.

Technologies used:

myFlix App (React)

screenshot of 'my Flix' app (React version)

This project is a single-page web app developed using REACT, JavaScript, and Node.js with Parcel build tools. This functioning CRUD app uses a REST API database (hosted on Heroku) to register new users and authenticates them via secure password hashing and JWT. Users can browse movies, explore directors/genres, add movies to their list of favorites and update their user profiles.

Technologies used:

Movie API

screenshot of movie API users collection

This repository was used to build the server-side component for my "myFlix" web application. Node.js and Express were used to implement the back-end REST API along with MongoDB / Mongoose for creating the online database to store details about users and movies.

Technologies used:

Chat App

screenshot of the chat app's home page

This project is a Chat app built for mobile devices and developed using React Native and Expo. The app utilizes GiftedChat to provide users with a chat interface as well as options to share images from their phones, and even their geographical location!

Technologies used:

myFlix App (Angular)

screenshot of the 'My Flix' app (Angular version)

The purpose of this project was to use Angular to build out the client-side of my earlier "myFlix" app, based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database) along with angular-cli-generated supporting documentation. Building the user interface following Angular Material Design principles provided me with hands-on experience of using an Angular framework along with a deeper dive into TypeScript.

Technologies used: